Interior Federal Goal Builder Frequently Asked Questions
1. Does the money move from my account?
Money that is moved between goals or designated from the main account does not transfer. All goals are contained within one account – the main funding account.
Think of it like the mental math you do when looking at your checking or savings account. You have a lot of intended uses for that money, but you don’t necessarily see it. Goal Builder takes the mental load from you and puts it on paper – and even better, in front of you when you’re looking at your bank account.
2. I've completed my goal, now what?
Completing a goal is a big accomplishment! The Completed Goals section provides a view of the goals that the user has achieved through designating funds to meet their target goal. The Rainy Day goal never appears in the completed goals section; it always remains at the top of the Active Goals section.
Visualizations of the goal progress show the percentage bar is full and has turned green. Blue is the default color of the percentage bar before the goal is completed.
There are two types of completed goals:
Completed & Not Closed: The user met the target goal amount but has not closed the goal.
Completed & Closed: The user met the target goal and has closed the goal.
3. What happens in the case of shared accounts?
Shared accounts show up with a blank balance amount and cannot be selected.
4. Which accounts should be shown as available funding accounts?
Goal Builder will present all savings, checking, and money market accounts.
5. Why is Rainy Day different than other goals?
You never know when an emergency will hit – a flat tire, an unexpected bill, or even a gift you forgot to buy. The Rainy Day goal is so users have designated money as a buffer to use when they’re not expecting something – big or small.
As you set aside money, you will also dip into it. To make sure you have enough ready to use, your Rainy Day Fund scheduled designations will continue even once you've reached your target goal. And since your money never actually leaves your account when it's set aside for a goal, you always have access to it.
6. How quickly do goal balances update after a deposit occurs (for percentage allocations)?
Currently, goal balances update once a day when the funding account’s transactions are updated at 12AM IST.
7. How come I can only contribute 1/4 of my goal?
To encourage creating achievable goals, the goal calculator limits users to setting their designation amount to ¼ of their goal. This means that a user could reach their goal in just four contributions to the goal. This is only limited in the goal calculator and designations can be adjusted in individual goal management later.
8. Why can I only have 1 of each goal category?
Since these are larger goals, many people will only be working towards one category of a goal at one time to focus their savings efforts. If a user needs to create another goal in that category, they can leverage the “Create Your Own Goal” Category to create a goal with a custom name.
9. Are there notifications or alerts?
Toast messages appear within the Goal Builder experience when a user creates a goal, completes, a goal, or exceeds their reserve limit.
10. How is Goal Builder different than Money Management (MX) Goals?
Goal Builder offers more functionality with set it and forget it rules for multiple goals at once, while Money Management Goals only offers users the ability to contribute to one goal at a time. Goal Builder does not force the user to contribute all of their savings to one goal and lets the user have buffer money not set towards their goals; Money Management Goals earmarks the entire amount in the linked account to one goal.